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One year ago, Father Joe Benson watched Hurricane Katrina tear the roof off his church’s historic parish building, just two years after a fire nearly destroyed the church itself. But Blessed Seelos Catholic Church sits on precious high ground in New Orleans’ upper 9th Ward, and it is now being rebuilt by volunteers—-who are hammering right through another hurricane season. In this independent feature-length documentary, we meet Father Benson and Arthine Vicks, two kindred spirits who are working to reunite a fiercely independent congregation: Blessed Seelos is home to the city’s deaf Catholics and to many Spanish-speaking immigrants, making it trilingual and unlike any other church in New Orleans. With volunteer help from a group of strangers from Seattle and union craftsmen from New Orleans, many of whom lost their own homes to Katrina, this small church, perched on the edge of some of the worst destruction America has ever seen, is slowly becoming a symbol of renewal for the city. The Church on Dauphine Street reveals what life in New Orleans looks like a year after Hurricane Katrina and tells the story of Father Joe, Arthine, their unique church and the kindness of strangers.